Reset, Reflect, & Rebalance
Most of us need a time to reflect and adjust our life’s course or else we forget our WHY?
Why am I working? Why this job? Why this hobby? Why this color? Why? Why? Why?
We may forgot the answer to our "purpose" in life.
Resetting is to move (something) back to an original place or position.
Reflecting is to think deeply or carefully.
Rebalance is to restore or correct an action, thought, feeling, or behavior.
Reset: Get rid of excess baggage by decluttering (ie. your social media feeds or pages, unsubscribing from uninspiring newsletters, etc).
Which commitments, bad habits, and maybe even relationships are causing you more stress than enjoyment?
I want (need) to let go or get rid of ________ .
Reflect: Take some time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished. What you’re proud of? What brings you happiness? What is your purpose?
I am proud of myself for or because ________ .
Which activities, commitments, and/or people do you want to make priorities in your life?
Honest reflection and knowing how you want to feel EVERYDAY(peaceful, content, etc.), knowing your purpose, what you want to accomplish, what’s priority, what makes you happy..., will help you RESET, RESTART & REBALANCE!
Let’s Restore your mental health.
How or What are you going to Reset this week? Month? The next 3 Months?